Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well that was something of a waste of time. I just got home from my parents place, and even though I tried for several hours, I couldn't get their PC online. The stupid thing about it is that there was no reason for it not to work! The only think I could think of was that something was wrong with one of the Earthlink servers. Then mom mentioned that they had canceled their long distance service (didn't need it since they have free long distance on their cell phone.)

So when I got home I tried logging in and it worked. Then I remembered the long distance thing. I knew there were three access numbers in the area, and that the main one would be long distance for them, so I looked up the other two numbers, called my mom with them, and they are now online :) I will be going out there either today or tomarrow to install some antivirus software, download MSN Messenger so that they can talk to me and my siblings, and show them some sites I think they will like. My Mom will love Neopets.


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