Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lost Worlds Entertainment

I ment to post this yesterday, but due to some unforseen difficulties, I am postng this today.

To celebrate my birthday (and because it will be easier for me to remember how long I have been doing this) I am pleased to announce the formation of Lost Worlds Entertainment.

Lost Worlds Entertainment is a company I am starting to post, and hopefully eventualy publish and sell, my various writing projects as well as some other stuff I am working on, including some video games I am developing, and some games using a pen-and-paper RPG system that I have been working on off and on for years.

But that's not all. Like Image Comics Lost Worlds Entertainment is more then just my stuff. it is also ment to be an unbrella that other creators can gather under. Basicly if I know you and you do some sort of creative work, it can be promoted and published as part of Lost Worlds Entertainment.

Right now it is just me, but hopefully that will change. With more people joining LWE, we will be able to have more promotional power and that is always a good thing.


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