Monday, December 18, 2006

KFC killed the Mayans?

Followed a link from Habb's blog and ended up here. After skimming through his blog, I found the article that Habbs reffered too. The part I found most interesting was this part.

The civilization had ceased to exist by the time the "Conquistadores" hit the beaches, which means that the horrible white Europeans cannot be blamed for its demise, a truth the Left really hates and is seeking to disprove (currently they are blaming trans-fats, French Fries, and KFT---Kentucky Fried Tapir--- in their diets).

I admit, my area of interest is Egyptology, not the Ancient Mayans, but I do find them interesting. And since I don't know a huge amount about the Mayans, I can't confirm the existance of this theory. Apparently neither can Wikipedia, since their article about the Mayan Civilization didn't mention it.

I'm going out on a limb and guessing that, if this theory accually exists, it is just some hair-brained theory developed by people who don't know what they are talking about.

If anyone of my non existant readers know anything about this theory, let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know nothing of the theory.

i do know the Mayans were pretty violent though.

3:28 PM  

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