Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting

As I am typing this, they are about to go to a news conference about the shooting at Virginia Tech. They just showed something that President Bush said, and something that Nancy Pelosi said. And the weird thing is that, as they were talking, I started laughing

Don't get me wrong. I feel for those involved, as should we all. 32 people are dead (as of this moment) and who knows how many more are injured. Any good person would have sympathy for them.

The reason I started laughing is simply because of the fact that it is, and will, get some much coverage. It deserves to get this kind of coverage, but what about all the other shootings over the years. I remember being in France when some of the early pre-Columbine shooting took place and we watched coverage there.

I remember watching coverage of Columbine, and hearing the president express his sympathy for those affected by it.

Since then, there have been several shootings, but there has been little coverage, even on local levels. Aside from the one at the Amish school last year, I don't remember more then a mention of a major network.

There was a shooting up north a year or two ago, on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. I remember reading about it in the Star Tribune the next day, and of course reading about it in the days that followed. I remember seeing coverage on a few local stations; breaking news as it happened, and then most of the nightly news broadcast focusing on it. I remember reading about the governor's reaction. But I don't remember anything other then in passing on a major news program. Nothing from the president or the speaker of the house.

I can't help but wonder if the lack of coverage on some of these is based on Body Count. After all, this is the worse one (at least that I can think of) since Columbine. For the most part, I think the other shootings since them have only had a couple of deaths, so apparently they weren't as big of a story.

I don't know where I am going with this rant. Maybe it is just that; me venting. But shouldn't all shootings, no matter where they are or how many are killed, be just as important as this one or Columbine?

Note: I just noticed that the time this was posted is listed at 6:51 this morning. I didn't write this before the shooting happened. I had created the post before work, intending to write about something else, and jsut posted this instead.


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