Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Denial Of Truth

Dave, Cat and I were just talking about this on Friday.

Found here
After all, when being “politically correct” supersedes being factually correct, when conclusions are drawn not for their scientific value but to advance a political agenda,

This is especialy true with Global warming, which Evan Sayet, the author of the above quote, brings up later in the post.

Liberals, or more accuratly Treehuggers, Refuse to aknowledge the facts of global warming. It doesn't exsist. They refuse to aknowledge the historical evidance, which has been shown during shows on the History Channel (where Cat first heard about it)

Between the year 800-1300 (about) there was an event known as The Medieval Warm Period, followed by the Little Ice Age, which ended in the mid 19th century (which is coincidently around the same time we started keeping track of temperatures) These two events indicate that climate changes are cyclical in nature, as I have mentioned on here before.

Further evidance that disproves global warming is the fact that as I type this, the ground is being covered by a fresh layer of snow. That's right. Two days after Easter and just a few before Tax Day it is snowing. They are predicting as much as seven inchs over then next few days, although I doubt we will get even one. Add to that the unusually cold temps we have had recently and you have a good argument against Global Warming.

This isn't limited to Global Warming, not is it limited to Liberals and treehuggers. There are people on on all sides of political, religous, and even sientific issues that refuse to aknowledge one truth or another because it might prove them wrong. The writer says later in the post
The “thinking” is that, if no one ever thought they were right there would be nothing to fight about and with nothing to fight about, surely there’d be no war. Without war there would be no poverty or the need for crime and thus mankind would finally live in the utopia they envision.

Thinking is the problem here, but it is thinking that someone who doesn't agree with you is wrong that is the problem. an intelligent person would look at the data and raealize that something is good or bad, and not refuse to see the truth simple because it proves you wrong.

Theoreticly, people could accept that Global warming doesn't exist, that the war in Iraw is a good thing, ect. But there is one area where denial of the truth will never vanish, and that is in religion. It is very difficult for a Christian to convince a Muslim that Christianity is the truth, and the opposite is also true. Some would use this to say that religion is the problem and shouldn't exsist, but that just adds to the problem.

While world peace will never happen, accepting the truth, whethor or not you agree with something, will go a long way towards helping.


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