Thursday, April 05, 2007

Writing Month--April 2007

This isn't official or anything, but I have decided to give up video games (for the most part) and concentrate on writing, kind of like I did in November".

This isn't for a contest or anything, it is just for me.

I decided to keep track of my word count again, not counting Fantasy #6 , which I finally finished. I started it last month, so that is why I'm not counting it. I will also be listing the stories I finish during this. Might now post them right away, but I will at least list them.

Now if you will excuse me, I have writing to do.

Update, 4/6 Word Count: 358. Just finished the next part of The Siege, and hopefully will have it up either later tonight or tomorrow.

Update, 4/26 Word Count: 2181. After everything I've been through in the last couple of weeks, I am proud to say I finally finished Fantasy #7! Hopefully I can finish one more story, a flash, before midnight.

Update, 4/26 (part 2) Word Count: 2640. Finished the Flash. J.H. is proofing it now and I should have it up some time tomorrow.

Update, 5/11 Word Count: 3140. Finished typing the last part of The Siege. Just have to send it to J.H. to proof it and then I will post it, probably some time next week.

Update, 5/16 Word Count: 3145. Had to rewrite the last part of The Siege after resetting my laptop and gained 5 words.


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