Tuesday, May 08, 2007

April Writing Month Is Over!

Ok, so it was over 8 days ago, but due to work, play practice, and assorted other stuff, I kind of forgot about posting a wrap-up.

Didn't do quite as good as I would have liked. I only got about 2640 words typed. That number might go up some, because I finished the last part of The Siege, but I haven't typed it yet, so I don't have a word count yet.

All things considered, I think it went pretty well. Between play practice, work, being sick and fighting the computer virus that resulted in me resetting my laptop, I think that was a fairly decent number. I plan on doing this again, probably in august. Nopefully I will get a higher number then.

Update: Finished the Siege, which brings the word count to 3140 for April.

Update 2: I hadt to re-reset my laptop before I could back up the last part of The Siege, so I had to rewrite it. some how I gained 5 words. I know 4 of them came from a line I added to the end, but I have no idea where the other word came from.