Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I had a doctors appointment today. It was scheduled for 9:45. I got there and had to wait in line at the registration desk. this is where thing started going wrong.

The first problem was the fact that there were five of us in line, and just one person working the registration desk. A second person showed up about 15 minutes later, but she should have been there as soon as it looked like they needed someone else. in other words around the time I got there. Problem #2 was the fact that at the front of the line was a lady with her two kids. they had never been there before, so they had to create an entire file for all three of them. So of course that is going to take a while. In fact as soon as they got done, the second person showed up to check people in.

Got through registration and was told to sit in the waiting area. I was waiting there for 30 freaking minutes!!!! 30 minutes with nothing to do since all there was to read was stupid magazines, since all the half way decent ones were already being read. I should have taken my Gameboy or DS, but I figured it wouldn't be that long of a wait. Not to self. take at least one of those with any time there might be a wait.

Finally got called to an exam room, got through my exam, and left. No problem there. Actually I take that back. The nurse wasn't sure why I was there (because obviously it didn't say on the paper that also had my name and all other info she needed.) so there was a five minute wait while she had to find that out! Apparently me saying why I was there wasn't good enough.

So finally, after an hour for a 15 minute appointment, I'm home and typing this. Why am I typing this? Probably just to rant a bit. and who better to vent to then my Non-Existent Readers.


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