Friday, November 09, 2007

Ridar a Deo

This story is part 3 of Battle At Sea, a 4 part series that started in Red Sky In Morning

Ridar a Deo

I drove my sword into a pirate’s stomach before knocking another one down. I spun around, running him through as well. The deck was filled with the sound of swords clashing and men dieing. The boards beneath our feet were becoming slick with blood.

Killing a third pirate, I looked and saw who we were dealing with. My heart stopped for a moment when I saw the flag on their mast.
Corazón Negro.

Tales of his bloodthirsty rampages through out the Caribbean were well known. Most surrendered as soon as they saw his flag waving. The act that the battle had lasted as long as it has was a testament to the courage of the crew.

I knew that courage would only last so long, and if the tide of battle didn’t turn decisively in our favor soon, it would fail.

I blocked an attack and impaled my attacker as I heard a battle cry sound. Running up from below decks was the Ridar a Deo. I couldn’t help but smile. My brothers were here, and the battle would be ours.


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