Monday, March 24, 2008

Writting Roundup--March 24, 2008

YAY! The first real edition of the Writing Roundup!

Now the kind of bad news. Not much got done last week. I did write a story I meant to post yesterday, but since I felt like crap and slept most of the day, I kind of forgot. I will post it later today. I did get a few things done though.

New Stories
I posted one new story on here, St Paddy's Day Hunt. Didn't plan on writing that one. I was on Helium and I saw that there was a section for posting different ways to celebrate St Patrick's Day. There were already 22 articles up, and I didn't want to write the same thing everyone else was writing, so I decided to go with something completely different and absurd :) I think Scott, one of the guys from work, is still laughing.

I also got some more stuff up on Superstar Pro Wrestling. I got a bit behind and am only up to Valentine's Day Massacre, which took place in early February. I have some stuff typed up, and will post more this week. started using a different style for episodes of Powersurge and am really liking how it is turning out.

The Chosen lost the Faction Wars title. Will they use their rematch Clause, or is the war between them and the Hardcore Revolution finally over.
With two wars at an end, another resumes as "The Ironman" Randy Stark became the #1 contender to the Continental championship. Considering what happened last time he and Fezik fought, one has to wonder what Stark has in store for the Big Man this time.
And finally it is a clash of titans as Austin Stevens prepares to face his former partner Triple X with the Heavyweight title on the line. With these two superstars facing each other, anything could happen.


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