Monday, March 17, 2008

Writting Roundup--March 17, 2008

Welcome to the first edition of Writing Roundup, the columns that I mentioned while writing about my NaNoWriMo projects, way back in late October It only took my a little under six months to start it! That is pretty quick for me.

A quick description of this thing, Basically it will be a place to mention the stuff I've written in the past week. Since a fair amount of it is on other sites, I can use this one as kind of a central hub and just give people one address, and from there they can go to the other sites. It is also a place to keep all four of my fans up to date on new projects that I am working on.

Except for this intro and the New Stories section, the preview and thoughts sections might not appear every week. In fact, there is no reason for them to appear in this post, but I figured I probably should so I can introduce them and explain their purpose.

New Stories

Obviously this is an area for me to talk about the new stuff I've done this past week.

I didn't really do anything. Sorry.

That's not entirely true. I just didn't do anything that is ready to post. I did get some stuff proof read so that I can finally post it though. First is Sailors Take Warning, the last part of Battle at Sea. A New Day Dawns, the first part of The Sacrifice, which is the sequel to The Siege. Also posted is the second part, Darkness Descends. And finally is Mushroom Kingdom, the first part of Final Level, a sequel to Pine Creak Murders.

Now for the Previews!

This is a section for previews.

Big shock, huh.

Anyways, this is an area for posting previews for stuff I have typed up and plan on posting the following week. Since I don't have anything planned at the moment, there are no previews this week.

and this is the thoughts section. It is an area for me to post my thoughts on the stuff I posted in the past as well as on writing in general. Also any advice I might have learned, often the hard way, and want to pass on to other aspiring writers.


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