Tuesday, November 04, 2008

CNN apparently forgot the lessons of the 2000 election. They have declared Obama the winner and next president. With only 57% (as of this writing) of all precincts nation wide reporting in, this is based entirely on exit polling, the same method that was used to declare Al Gore the president before the realised that a bunch of votes hadn't been counted yet.

Obama might win. Then again he might not. California was given to him, even though 0% of precincts have reported in. Florida is his by about 100,000 votes, but there are still 15% of the precincts to be counted. Ohio, another battle ground state, is just as close with only 52% reporting in.

like I said, he might win, but CNN, and most likely the rest of the news media, might be jumping the gun once again in declaring him the winner all ready.


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