Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rae and I posted this after watching the craptacular new episode of Paranormal State (It's not good enough for a link. you want one, look it up yourself) after seeing the mindless sheep (probably all paid by the show) who were praising it on the site. should be interesting to see if it's still there at noon.

Are all of you paid by these idiots?

surprisingly, i found tonights episode to be a yawner. they didn't even bother to do an EMF sweep! did ya'll forget about that very important step? it's ok. i can understand. i'd forget it too while editing the many takes it took during the "exorcism" when Laura first went from a shot of a yellow tank top, to then having a white shirt over it, then back to just the tank top, and yet once more to the white shirt. all the scene cuts nearly gave me whiplash. oh well. perhaps the next episode you'll remember to cover your bases and SHOW you doing the sweeps. if not next episode, perhaps next season (as a "how NOT to investigate" show.) or atleast hopefully you will do a better job catching errors like the shirt.

Also, does anyone else think it's strange that, if she was in fact possesed, that she allowed all that reliigous stuff to stay around all the time? Kind of thinking that she would have tried taking it down or something.

just some food for non-sheep-like thought.

toodaloo newbs


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