Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I just got back from voting. Literally. I am kicking off my shoes as I type this.

So who did I vote for? Normally I would say it's none of your business.But because I want to be open and honest with my Non-Existent readers, I voted for McCain.

I didn't really want to. i don't really like either McCain or Obama, but I figured I needed to vote for one of them. I was going to vote for Ric Flair (Ted Nuegent for VP) until I learned that Chuck Baldwin had made it onto the ballet. of all of the candidates, I agreed with that he stood for (or at least said he did) the most. But at the end of the day I felt I needed to vote for one of the two main guys.

Let me go on record as saying I don't like either of them.

So why did I vote for McCain? Simple. If he wins we get four more years of Tina Fey pretending to be Sarah Palin (or is it the other way around.) Really that is the main reason. Also because, being someone with a tendency to analyze a situation and figure out possible outcomes, there were some possible futures that scared me if Obama won. And if he does emerge victorious, I might elaborate on on that.

I struggled with this choice right up to the time I walked into the community center to vote, because I didn't want to vote for him, but in the end, a vote for anyone else would have help Obama, and I had to vote for the one that I felt would 1.) win the election and 2.) would do a better job.

10 years ago I doubt I would have cared. After all, if you live in out state Minnesota, as I do, your vote doesn't really matter. Land wise, the majority of Minnesota votes Republican. Unfortunately the majority of the population is in the Twin Cities-Metro area and votes Democrat, which is why a Republican candidate can't with the president here even if they are from the state.

So if it doesn't matter, why worry about it? Because 10 years ago, the election would have gone to the person who won the electoral election and there wouldn't have been much fuss regardless of whether the new president won the popular election or not (if I remember right there have been 3 presidents in our history that lost the popular election but won the electoral College election)

That was before the advent of the Blogosphere.

Now there is really no way that could happen, and as a result I figured I should vote for one of them. you never know. My vote might just make the difference.


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