Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm a little worried

Tonight NXT debuts. That i'm not worried about. not much anyways. I am a little bummed because ECW was the best hour of wrestling each week, but not worried. What I am worried about is that Bryan Danielson is on it.

this is Danielson...Sorry. Daniel Bryon's chance to show the world why the fans have declared him the greatest wrestler in the world. The reason I'm worried? Because WWE has a history of not letting wrestlers do what they do best.

For proof, look at Matt Sydal and Cm Punk. Sydal, who wrestles in WWE as Evan Bourne, Has a ton of talent and did great on the Indy circuit, but has mostly been buried since signing with WWE. CM Punk hasn't been buried, but he, like Bourne, has been forced to adapt to the "WWE style."

One of the things that has been talked about since it was announced last week that Bryon would be working with The Miz. Lots of people are upset about this because Miz can't hold a candle to Bryon skill wise. But he made a good point on his blog.

Bryon, through out his career, hasn't really shown much in the way of a personality. They have said that he is the most skilled and experienced of the rookies. but he is known for his skill, not his personality. So teaming him with a man who's entire career has been about personality, should be good. but I'm worried that they will change him in more then name. sticking him with a gimmick could be good, if part of a future story line is throwing it away because you don't need it. Telling him to wrestle the WWE style, however, could be disastrous. As less of a high flier then Bourne and Punk, that shouldn't be too big of a problem, but it very well might be.

Also, I doubt his entrance music will be Final Countdown.


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