Friday, September 03, 2010

Well that was fast. I didn't get a story finished yesterday!

In my defense, there were a few things working against me. First, I woke up late and Bible Study went until a little after 1. I got it started, but there were a few problems even with the writing process.

First, the story I was working on was one I came up with an hour or so after I made the post about my writing challenge. Not much time, although that never stopped me before. I've done lots of good stories that I came up with only a few hours before.

Second, I felt that the story needed to be an epic poem sort of thing, like Beowulf (only lots shorter) Unfortunately I'm not that good with poetry, proven by the fact that I have only done 2 stories that are some sort of poetry. Not a big fan of it, but some times it just feels right to write a poem instead of prose.

Third, and related to the second reason, is the fact that because I'm writing it as an poem, I ran into some difficulty with the writing. The first third was fine, the last third was fine. It was the middle third I had problems with. If I were doing prose, no problem. Poetry, problem. So I will keep working on it and try to get it up tomorrow. In the mean time I got today's story started and will post it either tonight or tomorrow (I said I would write one a day, not post one a day) Should be good. It's a screenplay for a video I want to do some time before it starts snowing. Should be good.


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