Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How To Mess Up A Great Match

I just finished watching the John Cena VS Ryback match at Extreme Rules 2013.  And I have to say it was a lot better then I thought it would be.  Granted my expectations for the match, and they show as a whole, were rather low so it wouldn't take much, but it is a good show.  One a scale of 1-10, I would give it probably a 6.5-7.0.  I haven't seen the main event yet, so I'm not sure.  will probably update this after watching that.

But I wanted to post this for a specific reason.  The ending sucked.  I understand why they went with a non-finish to the match.  That way Ryback doesn't lose for about the 9 millionth time on PPV and Cena doesn't lose the title one month after he won it.  I understand that.  But they went about it wrong.

For those who haven't seen it, allow me to explain.  The match was going good.  They were fighting all over the arena.  Eventually the fight moved to the stage.  Cena tried to send Ryback to the floor from the stage with the AA but he escaped, picked up Cena, and went charging through the set.  Then the ref stood there like an idiot, ran down the ramp and around the stage to the back.  In back a bunch of refs and agents were checking on Ryback and Cena and calling for medics and that was it.  I do't think they even officially ended the match.

Quick side note, why did the ref run down the ramp to get back stage?  I understand not following them through, that could be dangerous.  But couldn't he have just jumped off it (it was only a couple feet high) and ran to the back?  Or better yet run a couple feet to his left and go through the entrance tunnel which would have taken him right to where they went through?

Back on subject, this was a bad way to end a great match.  Don't get me wrong, Non-finishes can work in this situation, but not this way.  The best Last Man Standing match I have ever seen, one of my favorite matches ever, the one I measure all other Last Man Standing Matches against, is Triple H VS Shawn Micheals at the 2004 Royal Rumble.  In that match, both men fought for about 40 minutes, beating the hell out of each other (And they are best friends in real life too.) but in the end neither man could answer the 10 count.  Watching it live I'm sure I would have felt cheated, and the fans seemed to agree, but watching it back since, it worked really well.  it allowed them to continue the feud and both men looked strong.  Best of all, there was an actual finish!  sure both had to be helped to the back by medics, but the match had an ending.

Here they just ended the match and called the medics.  No Double Count Out, nothing.  It was as if they just decided "No one cares how the matches end anyways, so lets go for drama."  But as the fan's chants of "Bull $#!T" will tell you, they wanted an ending, especially after a great match like that.

Vince, if you or someone else at WWE stumble across my little corner of the sphere, please listen.  First, restarting matches after a heel loses, then the face winning a minute or so later was ok at Royal Rumble, but a second time so soon is stupid (Nothing to do with this match, that was another match, but it annoyed me.) and 2, this is the 3rd time in the last 12 months that I remember a bad ending to a PPV Main Event (Survivor Series, Hell In A Cell being the other two, although Survivor Series gave us The Shield, so I could maybe let that one slide.) and the fans want to see matches end!  They want to cheer after the face wins or boo after the heel does (or the opposite reaction when Cena is involved) at least the ref should have done a 10 count.



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