Thursday, April 28, 2005

Useless Trivia Fact for the day

Found this at Kim du Toit's site. If your a gun nut, sorry about saying that this is useless trivia. In the post (or one of the posts if he updates after I post this) he is talking about the Browning 1910, a rather nice looking hand gun. He also posted this.

1. It was the gun used by James Bond in Dr. No, where our intrepid secret agent used it to shoot at the fire-breathing armored car—well, he started to use a 1910, but in the very next cut the 1910 had morphed into a 1911. Oops.

The second fact is very interesting indeed.

2. The Browning 1910 was the model used in 1914 by Gavrilo Princip to assassinate the Austrian Archduke and his wife in Sarajevo—the event which would eventually lead to World War I.

But that’s not the interesting part. The Austrian authorities confiscated four 1910s from the Black Hand terrorist group of which Princip was a member, which number included Princip’s own gun, and stored them in Salzburg. (It is unknown as to which of the four guns was the one which killed Archduke Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie.)

What we do know is that when Salzburg was occupied by the American Army in 1945, the four guns were “liberated” by American troops, and are most likely somewhere in the United States still.

Just thought I would let you know.

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