Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Thank the Matrix it doesn't suck

Finally saw Star Wars Episode 3 the other day and it was worth sitting through Episodes 1 and 2. It was worth only getting 2 hours of sleep (surprisingly I wasn't too tired at work.) I'm not going to tell you too much about it, because I don't want to spoil it for any one (don't want to give away info like the fact that Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Opps. Sorry. :))

One thing that was nice is the fact that Jar-Jar only had 1 line and it was easy to miss. All he said was sorry. In the movie it was because he ran into someone, but we all know that it was Lucas apologizing to fans for creating the Gungans. Also, the dialog between Anakin and Padme was better.

I'm sure that there was a bunch of stuff wrong, but the only one I caught was the mention of the midichloreans. Fortunately it was mentioned in passing.

Over all, it was a good movie. While it might not be up to par with the original trilogy, it is far better then the Episodes 1 and 2. If nothing else, it is an excellent Sci-Fi movie. Lots of set up for the original trilogy, great battle scenes (Anakin VS Obi-Wan has got to be the best Saber battle ever.) and a story rather then a reliance on special effects make this one a Gotta Buy movie on my list.

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