Saturday, April 30, 2005

Options Please

A couple of nights ago, President Bush made a speach during Prime Time. Stuff like this bores me to tears and so I usualy avoid them like the plauge, and this time was no exception. Besides. it pre-empted Smackdown. Yes I watch Pro Wrestling from time to time. Stop laughing.

Anyways I didn't watch the speach. I figured if anything important was said, I would hear about it on the news, in the paper, or from a firend. Sure enought I did. While I was getting ready for work the next morning I had the news on. After they talked about the speach, they talked to a Dmocrate (I forget who. Sorry) who basicly said that Bush was stupid for wanting to change Social Security.

I'll admit, I don't know much about either side of the debate, but I do know this. All I have heard from the Dems is complaining. I'm not saying all Democrates are complaining about it, its just that the ones they interview for the new always seem to be complaining. How about this guys. Maybe offer us some alternatives. I might accualy listen then. If all your going to do is complain, then sotp wasting air time.



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