Friday, May 13, 2005

These Are The Voyages...

With those words, a saga began and with those words, the latest chapter came to an end. A few minutes ago the final episode of Star Trek: Enterprise came to an end. While it didn't show it, the episode ended with the signing of the Federation Charter.

The episode actually takes place shortly before "The Pegasus," a Next Generation Episode and guest starts Johnathon Franks and Mirena Sirtis. The Enterprise stuff takes place during a Holodeck simulation that they are watching. It was kind of cool to see them in their old uniforms and wandering the halls of the Enterprise-D again, but there were a few problems. The time since Nemesis has not been nice to them. They both looked older. It would have made more since to have the episode set aboard the Titan (Franks' character, Will Riker, was promoted to Captain and given command of the Titan at the end of Nemesis) Some nice touches were the fact that, while you didn't see his face, I think Captain Picard was in Ten-Forward and when Data called Counselor Troi (Sirtis' character)

The Enterprise portion of the episode takes place 7 years after the previous episode. The Enterprise is about the be decommissioned and the charter is about to be signed. Despite the fact that it is 7 years later, nothing, with the exception of some hair styles, has changed. shouldn't they look 7 years older? just a thought. Also, why didn't T'pol and Trip get married or something?

One thing I didn't like about the episode is the fact that they killed off Trip. I could have understood if he had died to prevent some one from interfering with the signing of the Charter, but he didn't. He died to save Archer and Shran. It made no sense.

In the end, I thought it was a good episode and a decent way to end the series. It would have been better if the story had been more epic and if they had been given 2 hours like all the rest of the shows (except the original,) but it was still good. the last thing that was shown was Captain Picard saying "Space...The Final Frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the star ship Enterprise." as the D flew by. Then it switched to the original Enterprise as Captain Kirk continued "It's continuing mission, to seek out new lives and new civilizations." finaly it switched to the NX-01 as Captain Archer finished "To boldly go where no man has gone before."



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