Monday, May 16, 2005

Where Are The Horror Stories?

I saw this in the Letter To The Editor section of the Star Tribune a few days ago and I had to comment on it. Here is the letter word for word

So what's happening in Vermont? Massachusetts? From the lack of news, I assume that the sky has not fallen in those states that recognize same-sex unions.

Last month Connecticut's Republican governor signed a law granting civil unions to same-sex couples in that state, but there was little press devoted to that story. How about some well-researched stories on the state of same-sex unions in Massachusetts and Vermont, assuming those states have not succumbed to financial or moral ruin? Has the institution of marriage been destroyed in those states?

And while you're at it, has Canada's institution of marriage fallen into some godless abyss?

The electorate will never be truly informed by the rantings of one-issue politicians and zealous ideologues. Help us out here.

I'm sure this guy is one of those people who were expecting shoot outs on Main Street when the Concealed Carry law passed a few years back. (BTW. the law was over turned, rewritten, 3 of the guys who voted against it the first time voted for it this time, and as far as I know, it passed. Take that Gun Fearing Weenies.)

On a related note, that day's paper also had a story about a constitutional amendment in Nebraska. In the 2000 elections, the people of Nebraska voted on an amendment to their state constitution banning gay marriage. Now federal judges have struck down the amendment. They are going against the will of the people here! You know when Pat Robertson and James Dobson talk about judicial tyranny? This is what they are talking about!



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