Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ride Report--April 26, 2006

I went riding today, like I said I was going to. I didn't ride to work this morning, simply because it is hard to work up the energy needed to ride to work at 3 in the morning. It's only a few minute ride, but it is still at 3 in the morning and I am usualy operating on little sleep.

It was a beutifull day for riding. It was 60 degrees out, with just a bit of a breeze. I had some errands to run, so I grabbed my pack and hopped on my bike. After a stop at Walmart, I headed to Subway and got lunch. I then rode UP through one of the biggest municiple parks in the country.

That's right. An out of shape guy with bad knees and a bike that doesn't shift worth a crap rode up the steep road going through one of the biggest city owned parks in the country! I have friends who are in better shape, have bikes that shift well, and ride a couple times a week who arn't willing to do that.

Good thing I am too stupid to realize that I shouldn't be doing dumb stuff like this.

I was accualy really proud of myself. I only had to walk the bike about 500 feet, and about 50 of that was when my chain jumped off the gears and I had to walk it to a safe place to fix it.

After that I sat by the "Lake" and ate my sub. We call it a lake, but I was able to walk across it. The sludge at the bottom came to just below my knees and the water was only up to my arm pits. I am 6'3", so that should give you some idea how bad it is. I accualy splashed some water from my water bottle into the lake and increased the amount of fresh water in it by about a million percent.

After that I road up another hill (yes I am in insane, thank you for asking) and then road home. Except for some cramps that developed while at Walmart, which were a minor annoyance through out the whole trip it wasn't to bad. My legs accualy hurt more now then they did then. Got to love adrenaline.

The total ride was about 10 miles, with about 5 lbs of stuff in my pack. Not a bad days ride. I contemplated going further, but while I was at Walmart I bought Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children (great movie by the way. Check out a my comments on the game journal for more info.) and I wanted to watch it, so I went home, took a shower, grabed some ice cream, and watched the movie.

That's right. Ice cream! The sugar and the milk help you recover faster. I don't know how, but my dad said it, we tried it, and it worked, so I'm not questioning it.

I doubt I will be riding tomarrow though. I think I wills till be pretty sore, byt I hope to get back into the saddle on Friday :) I am accualy thinking about torturing myself like this once a week, because it was kind of fun. I'll have to see how I do tomarrow.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to drink a few glasses of milk (drink some right before going to bed and it will help reduce stiffness the next day) and go to bed.

On a side note, I weighted myself on Monday while I was at work (we had a weight lost contest after New Years, but the scale is still there so people can check if they are still keeping off the weight) and I weighted 245 lbs. It should be interesting to see if I lost any today :)


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