Thursday, April 20, 2006

Moussaoui Must Not Die

The Defense has closed their case in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. They of course are trying to get a life sentance for him, as opposed to a death sentance. Most of America probobly hopes they fail. After all, this guy is supposed to have been one of the hijackers responsible for 9/11. But the worst thing we can do is exicute him, because that is what he wants.

The best thing they can do is give him life. Put him in a maximum security prison. Not in the general population though. the other convicts would kill him. Put him in solitary for the rest of his life, and give him just enough rope to hang him self. to ad insult to injury, "Accidently" serve him some pork chops from time to time, but forget to pick up the knife when you pick up the plates.eventualy he will go crazy and want to kill himself.

I am sure the Quran says suicide is bad, pluse it would mean he wouldn't die a martyr, which is something he desperatly wants. That would be the worst punishment possible.


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