Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Commie Lawyers Strike Again

I haven't written about the ACLU for a while, mainly because I haven't had time to keep up with what the bastages are doing, but this lead to a borderline RCOB moment.

How the Commie Lawyers could consider saying "Thank You God" proselytizing is beyond me, but as the Stop The ACLU article says, if anyone would know, it would be them.

The really villains in this story aren't even them, it's the school! They reviewed it and told her to make some changes. I have no problem with that. They also had final approval of it. Again, no problem, and while I might not like it, I can understand why they told her to remove the stuff they did. But then they cut her mic. If they didn't want something in her speech, why didn't they just tell her to take it out?

What really torks me off is the hypocrisy of it. Had she been declaring her love for Allah or Shiva or Buddha, the school would have pissed a lot of people off for cutting her mic. The ACLU would have been suing them. But censoring mentioned of God and Jesus are bad.

Shite like this makes me want to reconsider my position on home schooling. I want my future kids to attend public school, but based on how often crap like this happens, I might change my mind.

And it's all thanks to groups like the American communist Lawyers Union, better known as the ACLU.

Update: I was reading the source article and I found this.

In 2003, the Clark County School Board amended district regulations on religious free speech, prohibiting district officials from organizing a prayer at graduation or selecting speakers for such events in a manner that favors religious speech or a prayer.

The remainder of the amendment allows for religious expression during school ceremonies.

Where students or other private graduation speakers are selected on the basis of genuinely neutral, evenhanded criteria and retain primary control over the content of their expression, however, that expression is not attributable to the school and, therefore, may not be restricted because of its religious (or anti-religious) content," it states.

So the schools own regulations say that she had every right to say what she wanted, just as long as she wasn't preaching about Jesus. By cutting her mic, they went against their own regulations.

It gets better though, because they contradict themselves a few paragraphs later.

"We review the speeches and tell them they may not proselytize," Hoffman said. "We encourage people to talk about religion and the impact on their lives. But when that discussion crosses over to become proselytizing, then we to tell students they can't do that."

one of the best ways to proselytize is by telling people the impact God has had on your life! If they encoursge one, but not the other, then what is left? This case just keeps getting better and better.

Unfortunatly, Freedom of speach will most likely lose in the end, as we move one step closer to destroying what the Founding Fathers intended when they wrote the Constitution.


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