Friday, July 07, 2006

Training Day 4

Yesterday was the Community Group Ride, and it was kind of fun. Normaly there are about 8-10 people, but this time there were only three of us. About 1/4th of the way through, our trio became two as one of the riders got a flat tire and had to be picked up by her sister. My and my dad finished the ride, and we had a lot of fun, as always.

I'm accualy proud of myself. I made it up the 101 Hill in second gear. Might not seem too impressive, and it accualy isn't, but considering the fact that I have only 4 gears and bad knees, that it pretty good for me. More gears would help, because I could start in a higher gear and hit the hill at a higher speed, but until the Roadie is fixed, (dad brought it in, but after we got to the Fiend from my place, the back tire blew, so it is back into intensive care for the Roadie. Looks like it will need new rims) I'll have to work with what I have.

I accualy had more fun last night then I normaly do. I don't know about the rest of Team Biked It, but I always feel that it is up to me and the other members to control the group, making sure that no one falls too far behind and moves over to let cars by, stuff like that. With only 3 riders, one of them my dad, there was nothing for me to worry about.

I'm taking today off to rest. Like Wednesday, today would have been about building speed, and I as I said the other day, I am limited by the top speed of the Mountain Bike. I've been thinking of switching to the Commuter, but since it isn't set up right, it might just cause more problems to my knees.


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