Wednesday, November 01, 2006

NaNoWriMo Begins

As soon as I finish posting this, I will be moving to the tower to begin my project for National Novel Writing Month. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to do some more stuff with Fantasy. I was against it when Casey suggested it, but after thinking about it I reallized that I could use my Fantasy stories for this.

Now all I have to do is stay focused. I sometimes get distracted easily. Damn Attention Deficiet...Oh look! A Squirel!

[after chasing after the squirrel I am distracted by a shiny object. after playing with it for a few minutes I return to the computer, read som blogs, and return to writing this post :)]

I think I will be ok. I haven't been turning on the T.V. as soon as I get home for a while now, due to the fact that I have been taking mroe naps recently, don't feel like watching much T.V. until later in the after noon, and most imprtantly, because I can't find the remote (found it yesterday while moving some furniture in the living room around. It was behind the couch. How it got there I don't know. I blame the man who lives im my couch. Haven't fed him any pocket change in a while, so he stole the remote.)

I think I can even reach the 50,000 word goal. I will have to rearrange some stories, and due to my self imposed copyright embargo I will have to completely replace some stories while heavely modifying other, but it should be ok. Casey even gave me permission to use his character, Flashjack, in a few, so that will help alot, and I might even be able to help him some, which is a good thing.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some writing to do.


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