Friday, December 29, 2006

Good Food

Kim Du Toit wrote a post about a resteraunt he liked closing while placed lime McDonalds thrives.

Sadly this is true in far too many places. We, as a country, want our food now, we want it cheap, and we don't really care if it is good or not. I admit, I am rather fond of McDonald's fries and cheese burgers, but given a choice, I would rather go to a good sit down resteraunt (or Subway. It's still a fast food joint, but at least it is better for you.)

Here in Redwood, we have chain resteraunts (4 fast food places, 2 pizza places) 2 Pizza places in gas stations(which sell the best pizza in town. I've had much better, but here its the best.) a Chinese buffet, and 2 real resteraunts. There use to be more, and the food at them was really good, but due to lack of business they closed. now all we have is the Fiend and Chumly's, a bar and grill. The food is good, but that isn't enough if you ask me. We have a new one opening soon, run by the people who are in charge of the deli at the store I use to work with, but that still isn't enough good resteraunts if you ask me.

The only good resteraunt that I have been to (at least in this part of the state) that is thriving is a bar and grill called Serles, about 5 miles out of New Ulm. Part of that is because of their Bike Nights (the owner is morotcycle enthusiest and decideed to have a bike night) and the size of the town (blink and you will miss it.) And as good as the food is (if you go there get a Hoss burger. best burgers I've ever had) I would love to see a good Italian or French place open up. There was a good Italian place in Mankato, but it only lasted a few months before it closed.

I think part of the problem is, as I said, we want our food cheap, and we want it now. Far too many people go through their lives never eating a truly good resteraunt meal. Heck, even at home too many never eat a truly good meal. A friend of mine is 16, and he had never had someing as simple as a good Meatloaf until he ate at my place.

Between a reliance on cheap, fast food (at home or from a resteraunt) and our willingness to get stuck in a rut culinaraly, making or eating the same few menu items because the are "good," I feel that we as a country are in trouble. A nation is identified by their cuisine, and if our national cuisine is fast food, that is sad.

So do yourself a favor. Visit you local resteraunts. go to a good bar and grilla fter the game isntead of Burger King. Visit a local Cafe instead of McDonalds during your next lunch break. and try something new from time to time, like Goat Cheese or Calimari. you never know. you might just like it.


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