Friday, January 26, 2007

Gobal Warming?

I accidental read the paper from Tuesday (I think) yesterday at work, not realizing it until I finished reading an article on Global Warming. According to the article, the global temperature has risen, in a period between 1901-2005 a whopping

1.2 degrees Fahrenheit!

Wait, what?

Your telling me that in 104 years the temp has only risen 1.2 degrees? that works out to be 0.012 degrees a year.

I know that just a few degrees can make a lot of difference. For example, there are only about 17 degrees difference between simmering and boiling water, but such a small change, over such a long period of time is is barely worth mentioning.

The article went on to say that the hottest years in that time were 1998 and 2005, and that 2006 was hotter still. So this, plus the 1.2 degree temperature increase, supports global warming, right?


In fact, I think it does more to support the theory that the climate goes through cycles every few hundred years. If the temp had jumped 12 or 21 degrees in the last 105 years, then maybe I would be worried, but all I see is something that is probably a natural occurrence.

Of course Tree Huggers and Environmentalists are going to use this data to support their claim that we are slowly killing the planet with air pollution. while I don't denie that we need to take better care of the planet, I'm not going to jump onto the global warming bandwagon because of 1.2 degrees.


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