Friday, January 19, 2007

Iwo Jima

Mail Call is doing a show about the Battle Of Iwo JIma right now. The men who protrayed as heros now, in film and print, and it gave us one of the most famous images of World War 2, or any war; the raising of the US flag on Iwo Jima.

One of the Marines who faught there said that while making his way to the beach he knew he might die, but he knew that they were fighting for freedom, and it was worth dieing for.

On the first day, there were 500+ Marines killed, by the end of the battle, 6,825 Marines had been killed.

Why am I writing about this? Because I find it ironic that a famous battle, one that most think of as a good thing, had more the twice the number of deaths that have been suffered in Iraq. There have been 3000+ plus US troops killed in action in Iraq since the war started almost four years ago. 6,825 were killed at Iwo Jima in a little over a month.

Iwo Jima is remembered as a famous, necessary battle in the fight for freedom. I can't help but wonder if the war in Iraq will be remembered the same way.


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