Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Your Friendly Neighborhood Ballarina

I have a theory. My theory, which is mine, which is to say I wrote it is as follows. [clears throat] All brontosauruses are thin at one end; much, much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end.

Wait. That's not my theory. That's a Monty Python Sketch!

Ok. This is my theory, which is mine, which is to say I wrote it.

The increased use over the last several years of P2P software, and the resulting increase of Pirated software, movies, and music, is the fault of the anti-Piracy groups.

Allow me to explain. Back in the day, they were reffered to as Bootleg movies, music, ect. and the only ones sharing files over then net were Ultra Nerds. Then Napster showed up and someone started to call it's use Piracy.

Piracy, of course, sounds better then Bootlegging, and the term became common usage. Meanwhile, use of Napster and other file-sharing software increased.

This is why it is their fault that it is such a "problem." If they had chosen something that wasn't as cool, something like Ballarina, then it wouldn't be an issue. Sure the Ultra Nerds would still be sharing files, but most people wouldn't. After all, who want's to be known as an Internet Ballarina.


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