Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Different Views Of 9/11

This morning while reading various blogs, I noticed something interesting. The conservative ones that had anything about 9/11 tended to be remembering the victims and honoring the rescue workers that died that day and the soldiers who have died since. Several of them chose not to post anything else today, so that their tributes would stay at the top of their sites.

The liberal blogs on the other hand either didn't post anything, or if they did it was just a quick paragraph that was quickly buried as they continued with business as usual. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It is their choice. What I found interesting is the fact that they used their tribute posts as a way to promote their political views. One, and I apologize for not remembering which one I read it on, even went on to honor all the enemy troops that have been killed in an unjust war.

Before I go any further, let me stress that I am not writing this to blast one side while extolling the virtues of the other. If I end up doing so, I'm sorry

Why do I find this interesting? Because it is interesting to see the differing views. One side chooses to memorialize the day, while the other decides to use the day as they see fit. That is their choice and something that is granted in the Constitution. I wouldn't have a problem with them doing that regardless of the side they are on.

I think the real question that should be asked is how should we memorialize 9/11? Should it be a day of quiet reflection or should it be spent sounding a battle cry of some sort?

In this day and age the issue is a moot point, as we are entitled to say what we want, when we want. If you agree with me fine, if not you're wrong. and with the spread of the Internet and the Blogosphere, it has become easier then ever for people to express their views. And whether we agree with it or not, everyone will remember 9/11 in their own way, either in silent tribute, or as a rallying point.


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