Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dragon's Return

This story is part 4 of Dragon, a 7 part series that started in Dragon's Fury.

Dragon's Return

Brick and mortar rained down and dust filled the super market as Galando burst through the wall. The shoppers scattered, screaming in terror at the sight. Their screams turned to ones of pain as Galando sprayed the room with fire.

I dove behind a refrigerated display, my hand reaching for my sword and finding it gone. Of course it was gone. I had left it in my apartment. After I left, Dragon Hunters, once a respected trade, had become hated and outlawed. Most had turned in their swords, with some going into exile. So far I was the only one that had returned, and one of the few that had been heard from. As a result, for the first time since the end of the war, I walked the streets unarmed. The scary thing was, after nearly four months, I had nearly gotten use to not carrying it.

I ignored the screams of pain around me. I couldn’t guess how many were dieing. I didn’t want to. All I knew is some how, some way, Galando had to be stopped, and I was one of the few who could do it. I heard the familiar sound of plasma rifles firing. The security force had arrived, but they would be useless against Galando. All they were going to do was make him mad, and that would result in more deaths.

Their attack distracted him, giving me time the time I needed to try to figure out how to stop him. I saw a pipe sticking out of the opening Galando had made. An idea started to form.

Running outside, the sight that greeted me was almost as horrifying as the one inside the store. Fires raged everywhere. Soldiers were crouched behind overturned cars and large pieces of debris created upon Galando’s arrival. As I watched, the beast unleashed another blast of fire, hitting the fuel cells of one of the hover cars. The men seeking shelter behind it didn’t stand a chance. I could hear their screams of pain as they were slowly burned to death. Their deaths would not be in vain. They had given me what I needed t carry out my plan. As the car exploded, an arm flew towards me, still grasping it’s rifle.

Prying the dead fingers from around the gun, I took up position and started firing at Galando’s back. He turned with a roar. I kept firing, yelling at him to get his attention. At this range he wouldn’t use his fire. It would harm him as well. He would have to lunge at me.

I continued to fire as he opened his mouth. I saw his head heading my way. The heat from his breath made the air nearly unbearable. With a smile I dove out of the way at the last second, as Galando’s head continued down.

If he saw it, it didn’t matter. He couldn’t have stopped in to prevent the pipe from tearing into the soft flesh at the back of Galando’s mouth. His speed drove it into his brain and as his snout hit the ground, the pipe burst through the top of his skull.

As soon as he hit the ground, I ran up Galando’s snout, an extension cord in hand. I threw it around the pipe and pulled, my muscles straining as I struggled to maintain my balance while the beast beneath me fought to free it’s self. Slowly the pipe bent and I rolled to the ground, kneeling, watching as Galando tried to get up, but the bent pipe kept him in place.

As I tried to wipe his yellow blood off my hands, I watched as Galando‘s breath became more and more labored, and finally he breathed his last. After a moment people came out of hiding, slowly moving closer, staring at Galando’s corpse. Someone started cheering. Applause broke out. The security force moved closer to confirm that the dragon was dead. And as people helped me to my feet, one thought was on my mind. It had been since I hit the ground. I didn’t hear the cheers. I didn’t hear the congratulatory statements of those around me. One question needed to be answered.

How had Galando gotten past the security grid?


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