Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I just realizied that I hadn't checked to see what happened at Bcklash on Sunday. So I headed over to to find out. and as it was loading I scrolled down and saw that Christian had won the ECW Heavyweight title. Good for him. Then I saw a poll on the side of the page. What follows is pretty much word for word what was going through my mind as I read it.

"'Which newly crowned champion had the greatest title match performance at Backlash?' ECW champ Christian? no suprise that he won. World Champ Edge? little suprise there. WWE Champ Randy Orton...What the hell!?"

Even more shocking is the fact that he won the title cleanly! Trips was distracted, allowing Orton to connect with the RKO, but when HHH got up from that, Orton Punted him in the head to get the win!

Triple H didn't show up on Raw on Monday, no doubt playing up an injury angle. Marvel, if you are reading this, now's the time to start filming the Thor movie, cause once he gets back, I'm guessing he will be busy trying to win the title once again.


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