Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is kind of weird/cool.

I got a lot of friend requests over the past couple of weeks on Myspace, mostly from various indie bands. I have a hard time soome times denying them, because I know that they are working their butts off to get noticed and make a living with their music much as I am with my writing.

The weird/cool part is that two of them started their friend requests with a variation of the message "Saw your page and liked it."ordinarily that might send up red flags about whether they were real or not, but after checking out the one (that was all they said tin their request message. the other had an ad for their new album in it too) Hopefully it is a "we like your profile and want to hire you to design out sites" like because they need the help (and I wouldn't mind the money, even if it wouldn't be much)

both need help with their profiles. They used Pimp-My-Profile. And while that did result in one having a pleasant background consisting of various shades of blue, both were very busy. The one's site is even worse, one of the busiest, hardest to read sites I've seen since my oldest nephew redid his profile on Myspace. It is horribly painful and looks very amateurish.

I'm not saying that mine is awesome. in fact, here is a link to it. Simple, elegant, and yet kind of cool looking (in fact I'm thinking about bringing the blue and black attack back to the Freak Show. at least until the standard "Tour Colors" take over for July and then back to the current "Represent The Corp" for the rest of Blackest Night) You don't have top have an elaborate page design. In fact I know someone who went to school for design and my sites are usually better, and all I know is HTML and some very basic Javascript!

Both these groups need help, especially the one with their own site. If you happen to stumble across this, let me know. Maybe I can help. Even if it is just some advice on their site design.


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