Saturday, November 13, 2010

I mentioned I would talk about some stuff the other day and here is it.

About a week ago, on CNN or MSNBC or some other station, one of the people that they gave an hour long show to (sorry. it was a week ago and I didn't really care enough to remember who did it.) dedicated an entire show to bashing formor president George Bush. then, on Veterans Day, the editorial cartoon in the Star Trib was essentially the old "George Bush Is An Idiot" thing that was so popular early in his first term as president 10 years ago.

Other things of this nature that have annoyed me since the last election is stuff like the OpEd piece I mentioned in the last post that was apparently complaining about Republicans simplebecause they were Republicans. Then there have been at least 2 items written and published (in Italics because it surprised me, even for editorials) in the Washington Post that called anyone who voted for conservatives in the last election idiots. It actually said that in one of them! If it was a letter to the editor that would be one thing, but this is someone on staff writing about it! Even as an editorial that is unprofessional.

I think what it boils down to is simple. Liberals in the news media don't really have anything to work with. They can't understand why liberals lost so badly int he elections, and the only thing they can think of is bringing up jokes from 10 years ago, reminding people how bad things were with Bush in they White House, and name calling!

We have been seeing this for years, and I have mentioned this before. When the Democrats get elected, they become big cry babies. They don't get their way, they throw a hissy fit. They don't like a plan to do something like fix social security, but they don't have a better plan, they just go around telling people how bad the Republican plan is. They call people names and it is fine, even if they are comparing someone to Hitler, but when someone else does the same thing to one of their own, it is a horrible sin. They take over and start doing what they want, regardless of what the people that elected them want, because they can.

I'm not saying that this is true of all Democrats or all Liberals. I'm also not saying that the other side of the aisle is any better. All I'm saying is that maybe some of these people, both in the news media and those chosen to run our states and country, need to grow up a bit before they start doing jobs that require the maturity level of someone over the age of 15


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