Tuesday, November 11, 2014

First storm of the years, or why I hate Minnesota Winters

I love Minnesota. I don't think I would choose to live in any other state unless I had to. But there are somethings I don't like Like the fact that our sports teams (Except for in sports no one watches, like WNBA) tend to let us down year after year. But the one I think everyone will agree on is the weather. I like Winter, but there is something I hate about it. and that is the storms.We are in a Winter Storm Warning right now (not sure why since it isn't bad out, but I thought I would give a time line for the last few days.

 BTW, in case you don't live in the Midwest (and probably other parts of the country) here are the differences between a winter storm and a blizzard.


5:00 pm:  A customer at work tells us that we are in a warning now, not a watch, and have been for about an hour.

5:30 pm: Finally get a chance to check the Weather Channel app on my phone and as I do, it updates to say we are in a warning.  Thanks Weather Channel for keeping us up to date on this stuff.  The weather map says it is snowing right now, and has been for a while.  Not a drop of precipitation out there.

9:00 pm: Checked the weather map when I got home, this time using the weather app on my tablet.  Again, it says snowing.  Nothing out there.

11:00 pm: Finally seeing some snow.  Not much, more like the clouds have dandruff, but it is something.  At least the weather maps are finally telling the truth.


2:00 am:  Going to bed.  Checked the deck before I call it a night.  There is maybe enough snow on the deck to make an acceptable looking snow ball.  Maybe.

3:00 am:  Winter Storm warning begins and continues till Noon Tuesday.  Predicting 5-9 inches of wet, heavy snow and 15-25 MPH winds blowing it around.  Travel is not advised.

6:30 am:  Opps.  Forgot to change my alarm from yesterday.  Got up to use the bathroom and decided to check the weather.  According to the weather maps. we are in the middle of the storm, possibly the worse part of it even.  Looked outside.  Not a flake in the air.

Unknown time: Winter Storm Warning is downgraded to an advisory

9:30 am: Got up for the day.  and by got up, I mean stayed in bed and checked Facebook on my Surface.  My sister posted a pic of her kids playing in the snow.  Looks like they got a couple inches in the Cities.  Have fun guys.  A few schools are letting out early, but not many.  Looking outside, there is actually snow on the deck!  Enough for a few good snowballs this time!  Visibility is about a mile and it is windy, but not too bad.

11:00 am: Tune the radio app to the local AM station (because FM is useless unless they are in simulcast) News says there have been a bunch of accidents up north, and MNDOT has been out spreading salt for a while now.  Also it is apparently illegal to drive a front end loader on the high way because you are drunk and think it is snowing 24 hours before it is supposed to start, then explain it by paraphrasing the World's Most Interesting Man.  Most of the schools that were closing earlier have closed, and there are a bunch of stuff tonight that are canceled or postponed, but nothing too many.

11:30 am: Start writing this post after deciding "screw it.  I hate winter storms some times.  I'm going to work.  Reason I hate it is after this.

11:40 am: Made the call, Unless it gets a lot worse between now and when I leave, I'm going in to work.  Just checked, nothing in the air and I'm pretty sure there was some water dripping for the roof.  Now to see if I have to leave early.  Radio said they are expecting about 3-4 inchs at most, with some (looking outside, more like all) tonight.


10:00 pm: Wondering where the rest of the updates are?  I decided not to post anymore because it was stupid.  Roads were a bit slick the last couple days, but total there was maybe enough snow to make a small snow man.  and that is if you have a big yard.

The reason I hate storms some times is because they rarely seem to get bad until the last minute.  Not for most people.  It gets bad early for people with normal schedules, so they can call in or close or whatever applies, but then it tends to let up, so by the time I get up, there is the constant "do I or don't I" debate about calling in.  I tend to call in if the local school is closed, but that isn't always a good indicator.  And then there is the issue with the fact that half the time it is supposed to get bad again later, so then the question is do I go in and leave early, pack a bag in case I get stuck in town, or just stay home.Don't like having to wait till the last minute to decide that.  And then there are days like the last few where the big storm that everyone is all worked up about results in nothing.

One of the joys of living in the great state of Minnesota.

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