Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Urge To Kill Falling!

As I was laying in bed last night, I jokingly wondereed if my friend would show up again. I knew he wouldn,t because it was 1 in the morning when I went to bed, and even if he was still up, his parents would never let him leave the house that late at night, especialy on a school day

As I lay there trying to fall asleep, I realized that I shouldn't have given him his book. I should have loaned him something like Beowulf, Les Mierables, or How Should We Then Live. Maybe The Hobbit, The first part of the Song Of Albion Trilogy, Case For Christ. Something that would have some significance.

Don't get me wrong. I read the Black Cat preview in Shonen Jump, but if I had to choose between reading that and one of the books I listed, it would be no contest. the only question would be which one I would choode. Probobly Les Mis, because I have never read that one. In fact the copy I have is accualy one that my roommate left when he moved out of my old apartment. but I have seen the play several times, and it is good


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