Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wolverine VS Freddie

A bunch of Wiz Kids news to share.

Hero VS Horror
Last month I posted about Horrorclix, a game where you formed an army mosters and do battle with an opponant's army. Well, now it has a launch date. Accualy no date has been announced yet, but it will be coming out in August, so that is cool, but there is better news. I just got the new issue of Inquest, there is one page article about Horrorclix. In addition to genaric Mummies, Vampires, Zombies, ect (presumbably each set will have a theme) there some talk about licensed collector's sets featuring such horror properties as The Ghostbusters and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

But wait, it gets even better.

Last month I speculated that Horrorclix would be compatable with Heroclix. Well it has been confirmed. According to the designers, the two games will be "about 80% compatable." Obviously there will be some differances, such as the the ability cards involved. Accualy Horrorclix won't have an ability card, which makes sense. That ay they can include various types of monsters in one set with out having to restrict them to the same abiliies. A vampire and a Werewolf have different abilities, and this way it is more realistic. Due to this compatablity, we can have battles such as Buffy VS Psylocke, Wolvie VS Freddie, Dracula VS Pretty much everyone.

Horrorclix will be unvailed this summer at Gen Con Indy, and like I said the game will be released to the general public in August. I can't wait.

Pirates Of The Spanish Main
The neewest set for Pirates is Pirates Of Davy Jones' Curse, due out in May. I've been looking forward to this set since I heard about it in January. In addition to a new faction, treasures, and ships, the new set also introduces Sea Monsters. Wiz Kids has released info on how Sea Monsters work (available here) From the looks of it, they won't get much play in my area, since most of the players just play a Last Man Standing game; Ramming is rarely, if ever, used. I can't wait to get one, so that I can shake things up a bit :)

The new faction is called The Cursed. In addition to new kinds of ghost ships, Sea monsters will also be part of the faction. How the ships will play has yet to be seen.

They also revelaed the first sneak peak, the Flying Dutchman. The fact that the Dutchman is the first ship revealed is kind of a no brainer; what better ship for the first sneak peak then the most famous ghost ship of all time. Don't know about it's abilities, but based on it's stats, all it needs is a Helmsmen and will be a great gun ship.


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