Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I was just watching an episode of Megastructures on National Geographic. It was about some mining facility in Canada. It was kind of interesting, atleast what I saw of it. Icons on G4 was about Atari, so I had to watch that :)

The only part of the show that I had a problem with was when they showed them tearing down forests to make room for more mines and buildings. Not because I'm a tree hugger. Far fom it. But as a Mountain Biker, I have a problem when large amounts of forest are destroyed.

Part of Mountain Biking is pushing your self to the limits, but it is also about getting out here and enjoying God's creation. A friend once said we should stick to the paved trails so that we woudln't anger the tree huggers, but if we did that, then we would have missed one of the best sights I have ever seen while mountain biking.

We were exploring some new trails we had found in the park when we saw a deer jump up and take off. We weren't very far, so we didn't know why. As we continued to follow the trail, it took us near where the deer was, and we found out why she was there. She had just given birth. The fawn was still wet. We high tailed it out of there stat, but it is something I will always remember.

That is why I hate to see large amounts of forest destroyed. Sights like that would have been lost had they destroyed those trees instead of turning them into part of a park. Who knows how much beauty has been lost by operations such as that.

I understand the reason why, but understanding and liking are two different things.

On a side note, they are doing a show on deep sea archeology, and they just said that 3 of the the propellers on the Lusitania have been brought up. One is in a museum, one was in a junk yard (don't know if it is still there) and one was melted down to make a set of golf clubs :( As someone who loves archeology, this is very sad.


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