Monday, April 10, 2006

"But Gringos Go Home Is An Order, So You Must Use?"

The correct answer is "The Imperitive!"

If you haven't seen The Life Of Brian, you wouldn't get it.

But you don't have to be a Monty Python fan to get this joke, which I found on Evolution Right, who found it on World Net Daily. (Before you say anything, the Evolution part is a personal evolution on the part of the blogger, not the "we evolved from a pile of goo" type.)

Marchers say gringos,not illegals, have to go

Yep, that's right. Some nutjob protesters have gotten it in their mind that this is their native land, and that white boys like me are the ones who shouldn't be here. Just ignore the fact that 1.) About 99.9% of the people who are saying this are desended from Spanish settilers, and 2.) This was never their land. This land belonged to the Native American's before us white boys came here. Click here for more on what these nutjobs think.

I'm not saying that the Europeans did everything right when they got here. History clearly shows that we didn't. We treated the Native Americans like crap. We treated the African Americans like crap. But to say we took this country from the Mexicans is just dumb.

Maybe some good will come from this. Maybe some Natives will organize a counter protest with signs saying "We were here first."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latinos, Mexicans and Mestizos in South and Central America are decedents from the Mayan, Incas, Aztecs and other Native Americas who lived in North America. By the way this land belongs to them more than murdering white anglos. Mexicanos son Americanos porque viven en Las Americas del Sur y Norte. Pendejo.

2:14 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

The mayans, Incas, and Aztecs were in central and south america, and as far as I know, there is no evidance that says that they had any contact with any tribes north of the Rio Grande.

Do they have more of a right to be here then a bunch of white boys? Maybe, but the Native American tribes that were he in the states have more right to this land then they do.

6:28 PM  
Blogger R.C. said...

Forgot to mention that the Mayans and Icans had mostly disappeared by the time the Conquistadors showed up, and the Aztecs didn't last long after that. While there are still some who can trace their ancestory back to those groups, they are a very small minority.

1:30 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

I appologize for the mistake about the Incans. as I've said before my preferance is for Egyptology as opposed to central and south american cultures, and even then it is just a minor hobby. The mayans however started to decline in about the 9th century and were basicly a shadow of their former self by the time the spanish showed up.

As for them being here before us, maybe your right. like I said, I don't know of any evidance that they were in the US, I always thought that they came into the US after the Spanish showed up.

Should we leave this country and give it back to them? no. Human civilization through out the world is marked by exploration, inovation, and conquest. Had our respective ansestors not explored and conquered new lands, either through warfare, negotiation, or other metheds, I probobly would have spent last night in some village in Ireland worshiping the Dagda in acient Celtic instead of spending it in a small Minnesota town worshiping God and you probobly would have been practicing the religion of your ancestors in their country of orgin instead of what ever it was you spent last night doing.

Humanity has an undieing need for conquest, whether it is territory, business, or jute personal obsticals. In time I'm sure that we will move into space and into the ocean, populating both areas, and regardles of skin color, religion, or country of origin, people will continue to take over new lands. Had the the pilgrams and other early settlers stayed in europe, it probobly would have been the groups that you mentioned that took over control of the US and taken it from the Indians.

11:05 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

unless you are several hundred years old, you wouldn't have been a slave, but I get your point.

If you would rather live in Africa, then why not move there. After all. if you live in this country and arn't a native american, then according to you, you're as much of the problem as I am.

As for racial bias mentioned in another post, when have I shown any type of bias. If I have come across as being biased, I appologize. In my opinion, anyone is welcome to come to this country, as long as they do so legaly.

Meanwhile you seem to have a deep seated hatered for white people. If that is true, when which one of us is racialy biased.

10:22 AM  

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