Sunday, April 30, 2006

Is There A Flash Anonymous?

Recently I have become hooked on writing Flash, or Short-Short, stories. Ranging from 50 to 1000 words, can be typed in only a few minutes, but trust me, it can take much longer to develop them. I have come up with background info, situations, and history that will probably never see print, but it helps me create the story. I remember one story I wrote last week, where a characters brother died. In my head, the battle in which he was mortaly wounded, his trip home, and his final breath happened, but in the story, it only has a few sentances.

Flash has been gaining popularity recently. There are alot of theories, but I think it is for the same reason I write them. I can develop the story while at work, get home and finalize stuff while eating lunch and taking a shower, sit down and write it. A fully developed story in less then 12 hours.

Why is this important to me? Beecause I have come up with easily half a million pages worth of stories, but due to ADHD and general laziness, I rarely get much work done on them. I have stuff that I came up with in 6th grade (1992) started in 2000, and still haven't finished. The worst part is the fact that some of this stuff is basicly short stories! So any time I can take a story from concept to final product in (theoreticly) less then a day, it is a good thing.

So why do I think I am addicted to it? I am watching a show on catacombs on the Travel Channel right now, and I already have story ideas for 2 of the catacombs they showed. One of them is pretty much done. I want to do some research and develope some background info, but the story itself is basicly done. The other one gave me a few ideas, I just need to pick one and develope it further.

Considering how quickly the ideas came to me, and instead of using it in a larger story, my first thought was to turn it into a Flash story, I think I have a problem.

But if I do, then I don't think I want help :)

A good article on Flash Stories can be found here

Update: Yep, I need help. While doing research into the history of the Paris Catacombs, I came up with a few more stories that have nothing to do with the catacombs, but were inspired by them.


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