Sunday, June 25, 2006

Twins Win!

Just got back from the game.

Ok I didn't just get back from the game, I've been home for a few hours, but I haven't been back too long

Anyways, the Twins won! You probably already got that from the title of the post, but I figured that I would state it again. Final Score, 8-1. Their one run came in the 9th inning, with 2 outs and 2 men on base.

I'll admit, I marked out when something big happened. It wasn't too exciting of a game, and I was missing the TV announcers giving interesting but ultimately useless bits of trivia through out the game. There were a few times when I got excited though, like the 2 home runs (both by Twins players obviously) and a few times when there was a close call.

It was almost more interesting for me to watch the people. We were surrounded by Cubs fans, and they were practically having a heart attack every time something went wrong for them, which was often. One guy actually grabbed his friend's Twins hat for an inning to cover up the fact that he was a Cubs fan. When they got that one run, you would have thought that they just won the World Series they were so excited.

As for the Twins fans, they fit into two categories. There were the fanatics like Eric who were yelling at the top of their lungs every time there was a bad call or when they were taunting the other team. And then there were the calm fans, who reminded me of some of the wrestling matches from Japan that I have watched. They sat there, watching the game, cheering when someone did something good and not really coming alive until the last inning, when they started showing their excitement.

I think I fell into that last category.

Over all, it was a fun day. Would I have had as much fun by myself? No, but then again I probably wouldn't have gone to the game. Would I go again? Yes, because stuff like that is always better when enjoyed with friends.


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