Monday, July 17, 2006

AAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who did I tick off this time to make the simple task of applying for a new job so difficult!

Here's what happened. I am applying for a job as a tech support specialist at the local hospital. I downloaded the .PDF file of the application and decided to fill it in on computer, and then E-mail it to them. Problem number 1. I needed the pro version of Adobe Acrobat to do it a friend said. So I got it, opened the file, and couldn't edit the document.

So after a few choice words directed at my laptop, I noticed another program installed called Adobe Designer. I opened that and it allowed my to place text boxes, which I could then fill in with the text I needed. Here is where Problem number 2 showed up. Some genius decided that they would allow people to make their own .PDF files, but the text would all be in white, against a white background, with no way to change the color!

That was easy to fix, I just copied an existing text box and pasted that where ever I needed it, resizing the box as nessecary. I printed it up and it looked good.

Problem solved, time to drop it off, right?

Wrong. This is problem number 3. I still needed to print my Resume. so I opened the file, clicked print, and the tower froze up. (I have the Printer connected to the Tower, and both the tower and the Laptop are networked together.) After resarting, I clicked print again, and it printed, but the Black Ink cartridge pooped out on my half way through the first page! So now I have to refill the ink cartridge.

So I get out my black ink refill kit, find the fill holes, and start filling the cartridge. Here comes problems number 4. I normaly fill the cartridges untill just a little ink comes out of the fill hole. Nothing was coming out, so I kept going. Then it over flowed. I'm not talking about just a little bit. I'm talking a bunch. Coming out of all three fill wholes.

I cleaned up the toop of the cartridge, placed a peice of tape over them, and was ready to go. Almost. Problem number 5 reared it's ugly head. I had too much ink in the cartridge, so it was coming out of the bottom. I placed it on a paper towl to wick away some of it.

After about ten minutes I was able to put the cartridge back into the printer. I clikced print and the Resume printed fine. Now comes the really tough part. I'm about to drop the application and resume off and hope that they are good enough to get me an interview, and hopefully a new job.


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