Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Guardsman Wants Out

Saw this in the Star Tribune this morning. It seems that this young man changed his mind after joining the National Guard. What gets me is the reason he didn't want to join.

In the meantime, Valle started having doubts, reinforced by the basic training video. "I follow the law, but I don't like to take too many orders," he said.

He said he had planned to enter the Guard as a supply specialist. "I hate killing," he said. "I would hold a gun, but I don't think I'd have the guts to pull the trigger."

So let me get this streight. This kid convinces his parents, who apparently can't speek or read english very well, to sign a form saying he can join the Guard (He was 17 ast the time.) He fails a test the first time, gets a tutor and passes the second time. He gets sworn in as a member of the National Guard, and then he decides he doesn't want to be a soldier because he doesn't want to take too many orders and because he doesn't want to kill anyone?

What did this kid think they did in the military? Play video games all day, witht he only yelling taking the form of trash talk?

I got news for you kid. Your going to be taking orders for most of your life. If you get a job after High School, you have to take orders from your boss. If you go to college you have to take orders, in the form of assingments, from your teachers and then you will have to take orders from your boss. And if keep quiting because you don't like taking orders, then you'll be taking orders that end with "Would you like fries with that?" for a living because no one else will hire you.

As far as not wanting to kill, I don't blame him. I feel the same way. But if it came down to me or some one trying to kill me, I don't think I would have too much trouble taking them out. I'm willing to bet that if this kid were in the same situation, he wouldn't have too much trouble either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tough talk from someone who has not served his country.

2:29 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

It's true that I never served in the military. But I do follow through when I say I will do something.

This guy went through all this trouble to join the military, then backs out? I have no sympothy for him.

6:14 PM  

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