Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Day In The Life

Inspired by a new column on which follows a Superstar through his day (The first one can be found here and shows a day in the life of Ken Kennedy.) It was kind of interesting, and I thought it might be fun to do something like it, so here it goes.

2:00 AM: The Alarm on my stereo went off. I'm glad that I have it as a back up since the damn alarm clock didn't go off again. I should rely replace the piece of crap. I turn it off just as K-Max starts singing and go to the bathroom before going back to bed. It only takes me a half an hour to get ready for work, and I don't need to get up this early.

2:30 AM: piece of crap alarm clock failed me again. I set it to go off 5 minutes ago, but nothing happened. Of course I freak out before I realize I'm not late for work. I get up, eat breakfast (Honey Nut Cheerios) and watch Emeril Live as I get ready for work.

3:00 AM: Crap. I just got to work, expecting an easy day, but instead I find out that a lot of orders came in after I left yesterday. Now I have to figure out how we are going to it off this time.

3:05 AM: Took a few aspirin and am now ready to get to work. Normally I don't need them, but I didn't sleep well last night and my Knees, Back, Shoulder; pretty much my whole body hurts right now. The aspirin should help me get through the day.

11:30 AM: Just got home. Had to work late doing some clean up because, due to incompetent scheduling and/or lack of hireing help, my assistant had to leave a half hour early, leaving me to finish his stuff and mine! And because of this I missed Molto Mario :( Oh well. I stick a few frozen Ckicken Kievs in the microwave and play Devil May Cry as it cooks.

1:00 PM: Time to head out for a ride. Everyday Italian is on as I gear up and tape my knees. I think this is the first time I have seen her not wearing a shirt that showed off her cleavage.

1:25 PM: As I ride past Dari King, I contemplate stoping. A Blackberry or Red Raspberry shake would be realy nice right now. Unfortunatly I didn't bring any cash with me. Reluctantly I ride past. Then I remember that I have a pint of Orange Sherbert in the freezer at home, a worthy prize for a good day's ride.

1:29 PM: As I approach Dairy King I again contemplate stopping for a Blizzard, but I decide not to, for the above reasons.

1:45 PM: I get home and walk into my appartment, once again thanking God for the invention of Air Conditioning. I change out of my riding gear, grab my Ice Cream, and site down to watch some T.V. 30 Minute Meals is on. I have no problem with the show, but Rachael Ray I have problems with. She is always so energetic and happy, it's annoying. Fortunatly the History Channel has a show on about Samurai.

4:45 PM: Just woke up from a short nap. I don't like taking naps, because I could be doing other things, but it felt realy good. Now it's time to start getting ready for the community ride later tonight

5:40 PM: I think I am getting the hang of taping my knees. I still pull out a few leg hairs (I haven't taken the plunge and shaved them yet like a few friends of mine have. they did it to cut down on resistance. I would be doing it so I don't pull out leg hairs when I remove the tape.) I realized that if I put one layer sticky side up and then put the next layer on like you are suppose to, the only time you pull out hairs is when you don't line them up exactly. A few hairs are better then a lot, and I am getting to the point where I don't pull out any :) Knee brace is on, now I just have top wait for my parents to call and then we will ride together to the Fiend for the community ride.

7:55 PM: Just got back from the Community Ride. There were only 4 of us this week, but it was still fun. ate supper at the Fiend and hung out for a while. I was going to play some video game when I got home, but Who Wants To Be A Superhero" is on.

9:00 PM: Who Wants To Be A Superhero isn't too bad. Infact, it might be only the second reality tv show I accualy watch. The best character is Major Victory. The way he acts some times reminds me of Austin powers. Now that it is over, it's time for some video games. I think I will play Galactic Wrestling. Got it on Tuesday, but haven't tried it yet.

10:00 PM: That's a fun game, but kind of tough. More like a fighting game then a wrestling game. Caught the tale end of The Amazing Screw On Head and I hope they make it into a series.

Well, time for bed. 2:00 will come way too soon. This has been a day in my life. Thanks for joining me.


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