Monday, July 17, 2006

Well, things are looking up on the new job front. After dropping off my resume and application, I went to Walmart to get some stuff and rode home. When I got home, I checked my mail and found the new issue of Velo News. It got better when I got into my apartment. On my phone was a message from Midwest Wireless, calling to set up an interview. It's not for the Tech Support 2 job, which I really wanted, but Tech Support 1 would be good too. So I called them back and set up the interview for next Tuesday, so if you are reading this before 3:30 on the 25, if you could send up some prayers to whatever deity you believe in, I would appreciate it.

Now that I got the application in for the hospital, I have a tough decision to make. What if I get hired for both jobs? Which one do I choose?

The Midwest Wireless job would involve moving, probably to New Ulm. New Ulm in about halfway between Mankato (where I would be working) and Redwood (where I live now) so I could get back to visit friends and family pretty easily. Plus Casey, who also works at Midwest Wireless, and his wife live in New Ulm, so at least I would know someone there, and we could theoretically car pool.

I say theoretically because it might be different hours, plus if I remember right, it would involve working Saterdays, so I still wouldn't have my weekends off.

The nice thing about the Hospital job is that I wouldn't have to move, since I live about 4 blocks from the hospital. I can literaly ride my bike there faster then I could drive. Even with having to wait for a few cars, it only took about 1.5 minutes to get there to drop off my application and resume. Plus, unless I was called in, I would have my weekends off, and I wouldn't have an hour long drive to get to work, so I could still train no problem, either before or after work.

The only down side to the Hospital job that I can think of is the fact that I wouldn't be working with Casey. We were both excited when a job the Tech Support 2 job at Midwest Wireless opened up, butcause we would be working together. Someone else got that job, but the Tech Support 1 job is only about 20 feet away from where he works, so it wouldn't be that bad. Forunatly, thanks to IM software, we could still talk.

So like I said, send up some prayers, I would appreciate it, and I will keep you, my faithful (non-existant) readers informed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you get offered both jobs, take the one that is financially better.

That's what I'd do.

Eric H.

4:08 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

That would be a good suggestion, but one of them is in Mankato and one is here in town, If I take the job at Midwest Wireless I would have to move which could mean higher rent) Moving expences, travel expenses (won't be able to ride my bike to work) and possibly other expenses that I can't think of.

Yes pay and benifits are an important deciding factor, but they would have to be willing to pay me enough to offset all the new expenses that I would have to deal with.

2:51 AM  

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