Tuesday, November 07, 2006

As I was reading the newest issue of Velo News (thanks alor mr. postal worker. It says on the cover to deliver it before October 30, and I just got it yesterday, on November 6. Great job guys) and I realized something.

Losing my job is one of the best things to happen to me in the last year and a half. Finally I am out of the dungeon that was the bakery. This means I can start to rebuild my psocial life. I never had much of one to begin with, but when I started in the bakery, I basicly had to put my life on hold. Now I can hang out at the Fiend, spend time with friends. I don't have to be in bed by 10 every night because I don't have to be at work by 3 the next morning. If I want to stay up till midnight, I can, which will make it alot easier to hang out with friends (before I would have to start getting ready for bed around the time they were ready to start hanging out.)

Who knows. I might even meet Mrs. Right :) Atleast now I have the ability to. before, the only way I could have met someone was at Church or while riding. Not a bad way to meet a girl, but in this town, the odds are slim.

Not only that, but now I have more motivation to find a new job, this time out of necessity. Before I was looking, but I wasn't trying to hard either because I was tired or lazy. Now I have no choice.

Also, since I will be on a limited budget until I get a new job and my first paycheck, it means that I will have to experiment with cooking. I will probobly get most of my food at Walmart since it is usually cheaper, but not always as tastey, so I will have to try new things to make it taste good. Darn :)

Possibly the best thing to come out of this is the fact that I am forced to ride bike more. My truck is almost out of gas, and by riding bike everywhere I will save a decent amount of money. Might not be much, but at the moment every little bit helps.


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