Monday, November 06, 2006

I just got back from the store meeting and it is official. The store is, for all intents and purposes and I am now unemployed.

I'm not to worried though. I already have a few applications out there. After all, we all knew that this would be coming. Plus I have a bunch of friends at the competition and I spent 8 years working with their GM, so I can always go there. My dad said that they may need some help where he works too.

If nothing else, there is always unemployment, which would be better then nothing.

So tomarrow I will be heading to the Fiend to check the want ands (I don't get the local paper, and their website is usually a couple of weeks out of date. maybe I should apply to be their web master) and after that see if the compation has hany openings. If they do it will be wierd having to wear a tie again, but you have to do what you have to do. At least I would be able to wear my rings at work again :)

I think the worse part is now I don't have any excuse for not working on my NaNoWriMo project. Before I could say I was tired and needed to take a nap, but I can't do that anymore :(

Oh well. Maybe now I will accually finish something and can make a living writing.


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