Friday, December 29, 2006

I am watching a show that is talking to draft dodgers during the Vietnam War, and there was a segment where they showed Walter Cronkite saying that the war was lost, despite the government and media's constant mentions of the good stuff that came out of the war.

Isn't it ironic that today, all we hear about the war in Iraq is the bad things that are happening over there, and not the good stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We started a war not knowing the consequences. We made an unstable region into a possible regional war. There is nothing good about the Civil War in Iraq. Maybe if our leaders served in the military they would understand. I am a proud veteran and I know what is a just war and what is a war of choice.

1:51 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

Good for you for knowing the differance between a just war and a war of choice.

Too bad that isn't what I was commenting on.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were commenting on how things are going so great in Iraq. I read an article in the Walstreet Journal in which they built a new school in Tikrit. Two days later the school was bombed and destroyed. I wish they would present good news in Iraq instead of what is really going on in that hell hole. Sometimes I wish they have a draft so people who support this war would be drafted and they can actually see that there is never any good news in war except when they tell you the war is over. You can go home. Word is Bond.

3:31 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

No, I'm commenting on the media's coverage of the war. All we hear about is bad stuff, like growing death tolls and more fighting, and rarely, if ever, do we hear about the good stuff, like that school being built (despite its destruction)

I've written about this before. there is good stuff coming out of Iraq, bue we rarely hear about it, or if we do, it is ment to make our presense over there look bad. For examples, protests. whether for or against us being there, any time the Iraqi people are out protesting is evidance of a good thing, because they couldn't do that with out being killed under Sadam's rule.

Add to that the fact that women can have jobs, go to school, ect (that was Afganistan, but still part of the fighting) and the fact that it is at least an attempt at establishing a democracyis a good thing, but ass I said, all we hear about is more violance and blood shed.

Is war good? depends on the situations. Should we be there? depends on each person's opionion, but is it to much to ask for balenced coverage, giving us the good and the bad? I don't think so.

I think Dinobot in the Beast Wars episode Code Of Hero, when he said (Paraphrased since it's been a while since I've seen the episode) "Tell my good deeds, along with the bad, and let history judge me accordingly."

Why can't the same be done with things such as the war in Iraq.

10:07 AM  

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